Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Graphic Organizers

Sometimes in this digital age we still need to provide our students with the paper form of graphic organizers. The Worksheet Works website has a page dedicated to Graphic Organizers that you can manipulate prior to printing for your students. Check it out and see what you can use.

Worksheet Works - Graphic Organizers

Thanks Lea Anne for sharing this site that you found. :)

Are You Glogging Yet?

If your answer is “no,” then make it a “yes.” Visit Glogster EDU to register for your free educator account and create up to 100 free student accounts. Glogster EDU is your original educational resource for innovative and interactive learning. Glogster EDU was conceived to imaginatively, productively, and collaboratively respond to the dynamic educational landscape and exceed the needs of today’s educators and learners.

Learning.com Innovators Summer Workshops

Looking for some fun and a great learning opportunity for this summer? Join Learning.com for a summer workshop. The Learning.com Innovator Summer Workshops are in-depth training and planning sessions where you create digital lessons and activities for the 2010-2011 school year! Come learn to use Learning.com's innovative FREE tools to create your own standards-aligned digital units, assign them to students, and track and grade them electronically. Learn about exciting Internet resources to include in your instruction, collaborate with peers, and have some fun while you are at it!

There are locations in Texas and in Oregon.

Texas Workshop Information
Portland, OR Workshop Information

Blog Swap... What is that?

Want to have some fun and share some great ideas. Try a blog swap. What is that you might ask? I Heart Ed Tech has set up a fun way for us to share information. Visit the site below for more details and to sign up for your chance to swap a blog.
Blog Swap Info