Sunday, May 27, 2012

Summer Enrichment Fun

Summer is rapidly approaching and I remember the days where I worried if my students would forget what they had learned as the lazy days of Summer rolled by. I would work hard all year to compile an activity list to share with my students. Before the more prevalent access to technology existed, my students went home with a paper calendar of "things to do" over the summer to keep them thinking. Sending these ideas home now can be so much more engaging. I think of the websites used in and out of classrooms, the way that digital curriculum can be assigned out to students through their accounts, the Discovery resources that can be used, the many ways to challenge students to explore their interests away from school and I am excited that teachers have so many resources to use to engage students over the summer. I read the latest Discovery Educator Network weekly e-newsletter and was happy to see that Martha and hence Lance have begun the process to engage students over the summer. The enrichment packet included below is geared towards 5th and 6th grade students. Use it, share it and be inspired by it. Create your own digital enrichment packet to share with your students to meet the needs of your grade level. Once it is created, remember to add it to a "journal" item in and assign it out to your class. Help your students stay engaged over the Summer and enrich their learning experiences to prepare them for the upcoming school year.

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